Monday 24 December 2012

Random Association

Another week with the start of a new topic. Well this time, we learnt about "Random Association". Being an individual, well we commonly have what we called a writer's block.It is like a blockage to the process of creative thinking.

Hence, this is where the random word stimulation comes in handy. It is proven to be an effective technique to access the subconcious mind while utilizing the access of information . We use a random word to create new ideas on the subject.
Using random association, we were to complete an exercise
on " How to make a person stop smoking in 6 months
~ Create a color danger indicator. Yellow represent danger
                  while red shows critical stage. That means red
       can inflict health damage.

~ Put metal fragments in certain parts of the cigarette bud. Once
              the flame reach that point, temperature becomes hot and thus  unable to be smoked. 
~ Add dust fragments in the cigarette. People will
                                  stop smoking becoz they tend to suck it & cough badly. 
~ Place sign on the cigarette such as a poisonous scorpion
            as it is a metaphor for danger.                                                           

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